2018 RIMS共同研究(グループ型)

Tilings, quasiperiodicity and related topics
部屋:110  期間:2018-10-15 〜 2018-10-17
代表者:山岸 義和(龍谷大学理工学部)

Information Note (PDF)

日本語の案内文 (PDF)

RIMS ( Room 110, Kyoto University )

Monday, 15 October 2018

Teruhisa Sugimoto (ISTA)
Convex Pentagons with Positive Heesch Number

Takuya Okabe (Shizuoka Univ)
Biology of phyllotaxis: What is the problem?

Takuya Okabe (Shizuoka Univ)
Mathematics, physics, and the law of phyllotaxis

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Takamichi Sushida (Hokkaido Univ), Yoshikazu Yamagishi (Ryukoku Univ)
Phyllotactic Voronoi tilings on the generalized Archimedean spiral lattices

Quasi-crystalline Frank-Kasper phases: from metal to micellar structures

Ikuro Sato (Miyagi Cancer Center), Jin Akiyama (Tokyo Univ of Science)
Geometry on liquid crystal display

Qinghui Liu (Beijing Institute of Technology)
Multifractal Analysis of a class of Moran Sets

Phyllotaxis and Quasi-periodicity

Mark Loyola (Ateneo de Manila Univ)
Obtaining geometric polytopes from real representations of string C-groups
from the icosahedral Coxeter series

Jonn Angel Aranas (Ateneo de Manila Univ)
Generating 3D realizations of string C-groups from the icosahedral Coxeter series

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Kristan Liza (Ateneo de Manila Univ)
Semi-perfect colorings of isonemal fabrics by thick stripping

Mark Tomenes (Ateneo de Manila Univ)
Isotoxal tilings with congruent edge coronae

New families of planar k-isocoronal tilings

Shigeki Akiyama (Tsukuba Univ)
On minimal convex polyhedra

"convex polyhedra etc"

2017 RIMS共同研究(グループ型)(旧称 RIMS共同研究)
Mathematics of tilings and quasi-periodic systems

Oct. 2018